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Independent 20th Century

Sep 5 — 8, 2024 | Booth B5

Independent 20th Century
Cipriani South Street
10 South Street, New York, NY 10004, US

For the 2024 edition of Independent 20th Century, Almine Rech will present a solo exhibition by Karel Appel, showcasing a selection of paintings and works on paper.

Born in Amsterdam in 1921, Karel Appel was a founding member of the short lived but very influential avant-gardegroup CoBrA. He left his native country in 1950 for good to settle in Paris, and from 1957 on wards he shared his time between Paris and New York. After CoBrA was disbanded, he soon came in contact with Martha Jackson, who just had opened her Gallery in New York. He had his first show there in 1954. It was the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration until Jackson’s untimely death in 1969. Appel became one of the few artists of that generation, who made their career on both sides of the Atlantic.

The fact that Martha Jackson’s importance as a New York dealer of the 1950's and 1960's has been recently rediscovered has guided the selection of works for this exhibition from the period of her and her successor’s collaboration with Karel Appel. The presentation highlights Appel’s development, first as an artist of the Nouvelle École de Paris, and then picking up elements from the New York School and later on even from Pop Art.

VIP Preview (by invitation only):
Thursday, September 5, 2024, 11 am — 8 pm

Public Days:
Friday, September 6, 2024, 11 pm — 7 pm
Saturday, September 7, 2024, 11 pm — 7 pm
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 11 am — 6 pm

Karel Appel
Personnage, 1969
Oil on canvas
92 x 73 cm, 36 x 28 1/2 in

© © Karel Appel Foundation c/o ARS 2024 - Photo: Ana Drittanti