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Almine Rech

Aurélie Gravas My Virgin Skin on Yours

Sep 3 — 21, 2024 | Paris, Turenne (Front Space)

Opening on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 from 6 to 8 pm

Almine Rech Paris Turenne, Front Space is pleased to present Aurélie Gravas first solo exhibition with the gallery, on view from September 3 to 21, 2024.

In Aurélie Gravas' work, figuration is in fact an invitation to enter the sublime world of painting: the sureness of the line, which asserts itself in full, or is suggested by the caress of the pigment, colors that seem to sing to each other, curves that punctuate or languish the forms, reliefs powerfully suggested by a subtle work of transparency where the grain of the canvas flushes out, and where evanescent forms are superimposed.

The contemplation of Aurélie Gravas’s works continually oscillates between the pleasure of seeing the purity of a profile, which satisfies our insatiable quest for meaning, and that of abandoning our eyes to the play of curves and colors.

A press release by Boris Bergmann, art critic, will follow.