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Almine Rech

Jean-Baptiste Bernadet Fugue

Jul 11 — Nov 15, 2020 | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, Rouen, France

The Fugues series is central to Jean-Baptiste Bernadet’s work as it sits at the intersection of several themes that have always inhabited his painting practice: the appearing and the dissolution of the image and the subject, the loss of any spatial references, and most particularly a careful consideration of color and its major role in painting. 

The artist envisions these paintings as a new space to be built; by creating myriad focal points he blurs all references and seeks to reach a state where it is impossible for the eye to detect what has been painted first and last. The juxtaposed layers are fused, colors are blended, and all hierarchies disappear to give way to this new purely pictorial, chromatic and sensible space composed with an infinity of shifting hues. 

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