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Beginner’s Luck

May 8 — Jul 14, 2024 | TAO ART, Taipei City, Taiwan

In May 2024, TAO ART will present Oliver Beer's inaugural solo exhibition in Taiwan, titled Beginner’s Luck. This exhibition will feature important series that the artist has been developing, including the Resonance Paintings, which visualize the otherwise invisible vibrations of sound. Additionally, the exhibition will showcase the Recomposition series, embodying the origin and materiality of sounds, along with the acoustic installation Household Gods and video works. Expanding on the intrinsic relationship between form, music and imagery, Oliver Beer’s creative practice immerses the audience through intense sensory experiences and emotional resonance.

The artworks in this exhibition trace back to 2019 when Oliver crafted the acoustic installation Household Gods (Mother). This installation incorporates objects that either belonged to or evoke aspects of his mother’s life, spanning various historical and cultural epochs, from Predynastic Egypt to 20th Century Mexico. According to the artist, “in this installation, I have placed tiny microphones inside the empty spaces of the chosen objects to amplify their resonant frequencies. The sounds we hear are pure warm tones, resonating gently and freely from within the voids.” The voices emanating from these hollow forms serves as the soundtrack to this exhibition. Together, these objects from different points in geography and history harmonize to produce a specific chord, akin to the open strings of a string section in an orchestra, a symbol of beginnings often depicted in cinema and popular culture. In Oliver’s own words, “For the musicians of the orchestra it is a moment of self reflection, self correction, calibration and deep listening to each other. And yet it is also a sound that pulls music into a Western classical tradition; a tradition that historically doesn’t acknowledge the myriad of possible tuning systems… So for me it is both a signifier of deep listening, but also a need to open our ears to system and traditions beyond our own.” The artist’s commitment to embracing new possibilities and beginnings is also emphasized through the exhibition title Beginner’s Luck and the diversity of artistic experiments in Oliver’s practice. 

Press release

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More on Oliver Beer