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The Stolen Memories

May 18 — Jul 28, 2024 | Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, China

Mehdi Ghadyanloo will present his first solo museum exhibition at Long Museum (West Bund) in Shanghai, China. The exhibition will be on view from May 18th to July 28th, showcasing 18 works by the artist, including 12 new paintings and works on paper. 

Mehdi Ghadyanloo was born in 1981 in Karaj, a northern city in Iran. Two years earlier, Ruhollah M. Khomeini, a Shiite Muslim leader in Iran, launched a revolution to overturn the Pahlavi dynasty and implement "total Islamization" throughout the country. The revolution was successful in February 1979, and the Islamic Republic was established. Khomeini's ascension to power represented the triumph of an anti-Western, secular Islamic revival movement. More than a year later, the Iran-Iraq War began and lasted until 1988. Ghadyanloo grew up in an era of theocratic government and conflict, with his father reportedly serving on the front lines.

— Lu Mingjun, curator and writer

Press release

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Selected artworks

  • Mehdi Ghadyanloo,                                      Vortex of lovers, 2023-2024

    Mehdi Ghadyanloo Vortex of lovers, 2023-2024

    Oil and acrylic on canvas

    230 x 120 cm
    90 1/2 x 47 in