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Allen Jones

Mar 7 — May 30, 2020 | Paris
The gallery will open by appointment only. For the safety of our visitors and staff, masks must be worn for entry to the gallery. Schedule an appointment by email: Inquire about the exhibition:

 Almine Rech is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Allen Jones with the gallery. 

Allen Jones is part of an extraordinary generation of artists from North America and across Western Europe born in the 1930s who, children during the horrors of World War II, were art students in the shift from the austerity of the recovering fifties into a decade of the prosperous swinging sixties with its celebration of a newfound sense of consumerism and sexual liberation. There had not been a comparable decade in Europe since the twenties. In the world of painting, artists who typified this generation included, in the States, James Rosenquist and Tom Wesselmann, Martial Raysse in France, Michelangelo Pistoletto in Italy, and Konrad Klapheck in Western Germany. In Britain there was Allen Jones. All of these artists went on to have distinguished and inventive careers over several decades until the present. 

Press release

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Selected artworks

  • Allen Jones,                                      The Music of Time, 1984-1985

    Allen Jones The Music of Time, 1984-1985

    Oil on canvas
    183 x 183 cm
    72 1/8 x 72 1/8 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      The Studio, 1985

    Allen Jones The Studio, 1985

    Oil on canvas
    244 x 233 cm
    96 x 92 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      Kind of Blue, 2015

    Allen Jones Kind of Blue, 2015

    Oil on canvas, oil enamel on composite figure and wooden base
    Canvas 243.84 x 203.2 cm
    Canvas 96 x 80 in
    Figure 201 x 38 x 65 cm
    Figure 79 1/8 x 15 x 25 5/8 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      Boutique (Waiting on Table with Cape),  2015-2019

    Allen Jones Boutique (Waiting on Table with Cape), 2015-2019

    Composite figure, polished stainless steel base
    Overall H 205 x W 51 x D 61 cm
    Base H 51.4 x w 51 x D 61 cm
    Figure H 153.6 x 34.3 x 63 cm
    Overall H 80 3/4 x W20 1/8 x D 24 1/8 in
    Base H 20 1/4 x W 20 1/8 x D 25 1/8 in
    Figure H 60 1/2 x W 13 1/2 D 24 3/4 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      Stepping Out, 2018

    Allen Jones Stepping Out, 2018

    Fibreglass, tinted acrylic and mixed media
    159 x 45 x 56 cm
    62 5/8 x 17 3/4 x 22 1/8 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      Costume Life, 2016

    Allen Jones Costume Life, 2016

    Mixed media
    Overall H 205 x W 51 x D 61 cm
    Base H 51.4 x W 51 x D 61 cm
    Figure H 153.6 x 34.3 x 63 cm
    Overall H 80 3/4 x W20 1/8 x D 24 1/8 in
    Base H 20 1/4 x W 20 1/8 x D 25 1/8 in
    Figure H 60 1/2 x W 13 1/2 D 24 3/4 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      Arcade, 2019

    Allen Jones Arcade, 2019

    Fibreglass figure and glass, aluminium and perspex bow fronted box window
    Overall H 205 x W 51 x D 61
    Base H 51,4 x W 51 x D 61 cm
    Figure H 153,6 x 34,3 x 63 cm

  • Allen Jones,                                      Now or never, 2019

    Allen Jones Now or never, 2019

    Oil on canvas
    183 x 152.5 cm plus shelf
    72 x 60 in plus shelf

  • Allen Jones,                                      Island (diptych), 1986

    Allen Jones Island (diptych), 1986

    Oil on canvas
    183 x 366 cm
    72 1/8 x 144 1/8 in
    192,5 x 376 x 4 cm (framed)
    75 3/4 x 148 1/8 x 1 5/8 (framed)

  • Allen Jones,                                      Waiting on Table II (with wedge heels), 1987

    Allen Jones Waiting on Table II (with wedge heels), 1987

    Fibreglass painted aluminium base
    216 x 61 x 65 cm
    85 1/8 x 24 1/8 x 25 5/8 in

  • Allen Jones,                                      (From) The Gods, 2017

    Allen Jones (From) The Gods, 2017

    Oil on canvas
    180 x 180 cm
    70 7/8 x 70 7/8 in

In conversation: Allen Jones and Fabrice Hergott
More on Allen Jones