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Almine Rech

Musei delle Lacrime

Apr 17 — Nov 24, 2024 | Museo Correr, Venice, Italy

Fondazione Civici Musei di Venezia and Venice International Foundation present Musei delle Lacrime (Museums of Tears), a project conceived by Francesco Vezzoli (Brescia, 1971), engaging in site with the rooms of the Museo Correr in Venice from April 17 to November 24, 2024.

The exhibition, curated by Donatien Grau, builds on Francesco Vezzoli’s ongoing enquiry in experiencing heritage in radical and fundamental ways. Nearly thirty years ago, the artist began embroidering tears onto images of masterpieces, thereby creating his own museum, and confronting the ideology of the museum as an assertion of power. In the Museo Correr, the quintessential modern display of heritage art, he brings it all into a new vision with works spanning over twenty years of art-making, from already historical pieces to nearly a dozen newly-created, especially conceived.

The exhibition marks a new chapter in the vision of the Venice International Foundation,
stemming from the initiative of its President, Luca Bombassei. As an architect who collects contemporary art, Bombassei embraces the historical mission of the Foundation: the safeguarding and protection of Venetian artistic heritage. He envisions contemporary art as vital to the mission of the Venice International Foundation. For the first time in the organisation’s history, VIF has invited a contemporary artist to reimagine a venerated space in Venice.


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Selected artworks

  • Francesco Vezzoli,                                      Selfie Sebastian (Self-portrait as Saint Sebastian by Andrea Mantegna),  2009-2014

    Francesco Vezzoli Selfie Sebastian (Self-portrait as Saint Sebastian by Andrea Mantegna), 2009-2014

    Inkjet print on canvas, metallic embroidery, custom jewelry

    169 x 70 cm

  • Francesco Vezzoli,                                      The Birth of American Gigolo (After Sandro Botticelli), 2014

    Francesco Vezzoli The Birth of American Gigolo (After Sandro Botticelli), 2014

    Inkjet print on canvas, metallic embroidery

    136 x 208 cm

  • Francesco Vezzoli,                                      Portrait of Paulina Porizkova as a Renaissance Madonna with Holy Child crying Salvador Dalì's jewels (After Lorenzo Lotto), 2011

    Francesco Vezzoli Portrait of Paulina Porizkova as a Renaissance Madonna with Holy Child crying Salvador Dalì's jewels (After Lorenzo Lotto), 2011

    Inkjet print on canvas, metallic and cotton embroidery, fabric, custom jewelry, watercolour

    115 x 80 cm

  • Francesco Vezzoli,                                      The Love Glove (After de Chirico and Jean Genet), (detail), 2010

    Francesco Vezzoli The Love Glove (After de Chirico and Jean Genet), (detail), 2010

    Inkjet print on canvas, metallic embroidery, custom jewelry, paper

    74.5 x 61.5 cm