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Almine Rech

When Forms Come Alive

Feb 7 — May 6, 2024 | Hayward Gallery, London, UK

Franz West is part of When Forms Come Alive, at Hayward Gallery, London, UK 

The Hayward Gallery presents When Forms Come Alive, a playful and lively exhibition highlighting the ways in which artists have been inspired by movement, flux and organic growth, from a dancer’s gesture to the breaking of a wave, from a flow of molten metal to the interlacing of a spider’s web.

Spanning over 60 years of contemporary art, this unique survey exhibition includes a range of energetic sculptural forms that seem to ooze, undulate, blossom, erupt and sprawl in the gallery space, inspiring fluid and shifting realms of experience, surprising viewers at every turn. When Forms Come Alive brings together works that engage in a dynamic and urgent exploration of physical experience in contrast to a world in which everyday encounters are increasingly digitised.

Ralph Rugoff, Director of the Hayward Gallery, says: “Dynamic, exuberant and playful, the works in this show take visitors on an adventure into a world of fascinating forms. Whilst they avoid directly representing the human body, most of these artworks evince a compelling corporeality - they remind us that there is a comedy, as well as a politics, of form.”

Press release

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More on Franz West