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Almine Rech

Alexandre Lenoir

Mar 7 — May 30, 2020 | Paris
The gallery will open by appointment only. For the safety of our visitors and staff, masks must be worn for entry to the gallery. Schedule an appointment by email: Inquire about the exhibition:

Alexandre Lenoir expresses himself exclusively through the medium of painting, which he uses to oscillate between realism and texture effects. He explores the visual relationship with his canvas head-on, but also views it as a conceptual tool, often questioning the legitimacy of his endeavour. “Do I have the right to be a painter?” “Am I entitled to use and reuse this technique?” “How can a canvas exist?” “Must I create a balanced work?” The answers have never appeared to him very clearly – not that he really needs them, though, as his constant production has gradually allowed him to develop an intimate relationship with painting and his vision of what it means.

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