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Inkblots and Feeling Charts

Jan 25 — May 19, 2024 | Atlanta Contemporary Museum, Atlanta, US

The nuances of feelings and emotions and their associated internal complexities are the crux of the ongoing series of Inkblots and Feelings Charts by artist Timothy Curtis. Since the early 2000’s, Curtis has immersed himself in the gray areas, subtleties, and challenges that define our individual emotional intelligence. Examining elements such as body language, the way we engage with one another in personal and professional encounters, and how we overtly carry our stresses, Curtis’s art underscores the pervasive influence of emotions and feelings that guide us through our days and shape our interactions.

Curtis’s Feelings Charts seek to illustrate and compile a library of recognizable facial expressions that are associated with feelings that we routinely internalize. Traditionally feelings charts are used as visual tools in educational settings, therapy, and counseling sessions, and are designed to help individuals identify, understand, and communicate their complex emotions while promoting emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Curtis has taken his unique style of gestural and frenetic line work to create a marvelous and lively range of facial expressions that depict basic emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and fear, to more complex and nuanced feelings like anxiety, disgust, excitement, guilt, and calmness. As each face is accompanied by a corresponding adjective, Curtis seeks to create a dictionary of sorts for complex thoughts and internal emotional understanding.

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