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Johan Creten FIAC On Site - Petit Palais

Oct 17 — 22, 2018 | Petit Palais, Paris

Le Banc des Amoureux 

Conceived between 1994 and 2011, Le Banc des amoureux consists of two horizontal elements that are typologically simple - a parallelepipedal seat and back renewing the prosaic motif of the board - embedded in two vertical forms that are explicitly sexual. Tradition flanked by audacity; orthodoxy framed by extravagance. This intrepid, almost antithetical col­lusion characterizes the creation of Johan Creten who, for many years, has been reflecting on the polysemy of funda­mental, primary forms. 
The bench is a key protagonist of urban furniture. lt populates cities and draws perspectives - parks and avenues - in the same capacity as the fountain, the column and the lamp post, with this exception that it can, on an altogether different scale, inhabit memories and establish narratives - a first caress, a first blush, words of tenderness, violent disputes, discreet break-ups, stolen kisses, exhibited kisses, adolescent languor, the tiredness of age. Johan Creten knows it, proves it: the bench is the civilized territory of intimacy.

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