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Almine Rech

Les Fleurs du Mal

Oct 18 — Nov 13, 2023 | Maison Guerlain, Paris, France

The flowers of evil, theme of the 16th exhibition held at the Maison Guerlain, celebrates Charles Baudelaire’s poetry collection of the same name. Published in 1857, it left a deep impression upon the literature and art of its time and its impact continues to this day.

This exhibition encompasses a range of major themes, delving into humanity’s most fundamental questions: the beauty and fragility of this planet; humankind’s relationship with the natural world; decadence and debauchery; love and passion.

I aimed to bring together 26 artists of a variety of backgrounds and ages to illustrate these themes on a range of media: paintings, photographs, videos and installations.

— Hervé Mikaeloff, exhibition curator. 


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