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Umar Rashid If there's been a way to build it, There'll be a way to destroy it, Things are not all that out of control. L'époque Totalitaire part one.

Nov 16, 2023 — Jan 13, 2024 | Brussels

Opening on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 5 to 8 pm

After Rashid’s last multi-part series of international exhibits (Ancien Regime Change Parts 1-6) , this new exhibit traces Frengland’s surviving revolutionary leaders as they inevitably fall from grace, transitioning from rebel freedom fighters to totalitarian despots and greedy warlords.

Umar Rashid (also known as Frohawk Two Feathers) is a master storyteller and epic trickster, using historical events as jumping-off points to retell, respin, and reimagine history. In this installment of his imagined Frengland (existing in a revisionist world where France and England unified), Rashid explores the Napoleonic rise of these three Frenglish leaders as they face an onslaught of unexpected enemies, including both a coalition of Prussian, Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman forces on the ground and a rebel force in space, known as CONTROL.

In this sense, If there's been a way to build it plays out in multiple locales, ranging from the European continent to Egypt, to space, to the Subcontinent. While his works have an underlying humor, it is a biting one, as Rashid critiques the nature of history repeating itself as something that seems bound and fated.

Press release

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Selected artworks

  • Umar Rashid,                                      The passions stoked in the heat of battle implores you to pause for love regardless of the conditions., 2023

    Umar Rashid The passions stoked in the heat of battle implores you to pause for love regardless of the conditions., 2023

    Carved and burned wood panel with gold paint
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    48 x 48 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      The taking of Pondicherry and the day of 1,000 spears. Or, everything I initially learned about the subcontinent I got from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I know better now. The Frenglish Republican Army, unsatisfied with the lucrative trade deals with various Indian client states during the Mughal decline, decided to invade and outright annex the territories using conscripts from warring states. A familiar pattern., 2023

    Umar Rashid The taking of Pondicherry and the day of 1,000 spears. Or, everything I initially learned about the subcontinent I got from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I know better now. The Frenglish Republican Army, unsatisfied with the lucrative trade deals with various Indian client states during the Mughal decline, decided to invade and outright annex the territories using conscripts from warring states. A familiar pattern., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    48 x 48 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      It was cool at first, shooting cee-lo and hitting headcrack on the first roll. But the rebels were so wrapped up in the game that they didn’t notice the amphibious landing of the Frenglish Republicans that would eventually retake the entire island over the next year with both sides suffering terrible losses. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid It was cool at first, shooting cee-lo and hitting headcrack on the first roll. But the rebels were so wrapped up in the game that they didn’t notice the amphibious landing of the Frenglish Republicans that would eventually retake the entire island over the next year with both sides suffering terrible losses. 1799., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    48 x 48 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Corfu is for lovers, fighters, titans, gods, demigods. Please enjoy your stay. However short that may be. -A veiled warning to warmongers from the Heptanese League. 1799, 2023

    Umar Rashid Corfu is for lovers, fighters, titans, gods, demigods. Please enjoy your stay. However short that may be. -A veiled warning to warmongers from the Heptanese League. 1799, 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    152.4 x 152.4 cm
    60 x 60 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      The futility doesn’t lie in the resistance. The futility is the inaction. Brave Janeta Planeta (Miss Jackson if you’re nasty) and the Rhythm Nation attempt to take down CONTROL but are forced to retreat with dignity, and in style., 2023

    Umar Rashid The futility doesn’t lie in the resistance. The futility is the inaction. Brave Janeta Planeta (Miss Jackson if you’re nasty) and the Rhythm Nation attempt to take down CONTROL but are forced to retreat with dignity, and in style., 2023

    Ink, acrylic, and spray paint on canvas
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    48 x 48 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      On losing Pannonia and and enduring capture at the hill of goats. Watching the disloyal peasants parade in their temporary freedom whilst our captors force their poisons down our throats. Who cries for the Holy Roman League? Surely not these hedonistic creatures. CONTROL flashes an image in the tree. CONTROL doesn’t care who controls. CONTROL is a primordial force that owes nothing to anyone. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid On losing Pannonia and and enduring capture at the hill of goats. Watching the disloyal peasants parade in their temporary freedom whilst our captors force their poisons down our throats. Who cries for the Holy Roman League? Surely not these hedonistic creatures. CONTROL flashes an image in the tree. CONTROL doesn’t care who controls. CONTROL is a primordial force that owes nothing to anyone. 1799., 2023

    Acrylic, ink, and spray paint on canvas
    182.9 x 213.4 cm
    72 x 84 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      AM Dawn in the Confoederatio Helvetica. Or, The Treacherous Three survey the aftermath of battle and take in the rose glow of blood and victory for the Frenglish Republic. (After big cat prints and Gericault) 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid AM Dawn in the Confoederatio Helvetica. Or, The Treacherous Three survey the aftermath of battle and take in the rose glow of blood and victory for the Frenglish Republic. (After big cat prints and Gericault) 1799., 2023

    Acrylic, ink, and spray paint on canvas
    182.9 x 213.4 cm
    72 x 84 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      “Gone” a popular opera by celebrated Frenglish soldier in the Americas, Butrus of Sindh, on the tragic romance of Harlem Carl, and Rhiannon, pretender to the Welsh throne. Set in New Amsterdam/New Frengland, this sad tale centers on two lovers from different racial, and socio-economic backgrounds fighting to thrive amidst a revolutionary conflict of unprecedented scale. Due to the opera’s popularity throughout the world, it is sometimes performed in blackface. Cue Zwarte Peet, Jolson, and Olivier. 1800., 2023

    Umar Rashid “Gone” a popular opera by celebrated Frenglish soldier in the Americas, Butrus of Sindh, on the tragic romance of Harlem Carl, and Rhiannon, pretender to the Welsh throne. Set in New Amsterdam/New Frengland, this sad tale centers on two lovers from different racial, and socio-economic backgrounds fighting to thrive amidst a revolutionary conflict of unprecedented scale. Due to the opera’s popularity throughout the world, it is sometimes performed in blackface. Cue Zwarte Peet, Jolson, and Olivier. 1800., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    182.9 x 182.9 cm
    72 x 72 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Terrorforming 4. Martinique The reconquest of the rebel held lowlands using disgruntled rebels (opportunistic traitors) immune to tropical malaise but attuned to false promises and coin.1800., 2023

    Umar Rashid Terrorforming 4. Martinique The reconquest of the rebel held lowlands using disgruntled rebels (opportunistic traitors) immune to tropical malaise but attuned to false promises and coin.1800., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    76.2 x 152.4 cm
    40 x 60 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Terrorforming 5. The Deccan Plateau The Mughals manage a phyrric victory over the Frenglish East India company. 1800., 2023

    Umar Rashid Terrorforming 5. The Deccan Plateau The Mughals manage a phyrric victory over the Frenglish East India company. 1800., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    76.2 x 152.4
    40 x 60 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      errorforming 6. Sapmi (Lapland) The reindeer and their Swedish commanders are no match for the Frenglish dogs of war and thus defeated., 2023

    Umar Rashid errorforming 6. Sapmi (Lapland) The reindeer and their Swedish commanders are no match for the Frenglish dogs of war and thus defeated., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    76.2 x 152.4 cm
    40 x 60 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Marie, Haitian envoy to the Frenglish Republic to discuss terms of an armistice. 1799 (a study), 2023

    Umar Rashid Marie, Haitian envoy to the Frenglish Republic to discuss terms of an armistice. 1799 (a study), 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    61 x 61 cm
    24 x 24 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Gaspard, a rebel partisan fighting in the Caribbean theater. 1799. (a study), 2023

    Umar Rashid Gaspard, a rebel partisan fighting in the Caribbean theater. 1799. (a study), 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    61 x 61 cm
    24 x 24 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Olu, a decorated hussar from Benin in the employ of the Frenglish Force Fantastique paramilitary organization. 1799. (a study), 2023

    Umar Rashid Olu, a decorated hussar from Benin in the employ of the Frenglish Force Fantastique paramilitary organization. 1799. (a study), 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    61 x 61 cm
    24 x 24 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Karl, Captain of the Tyrolean Lancer Corps. A glorified brigand. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid Karl, Captain of the Tyrolean Lancer Corps. A glorified brigand. 1799., 2023

    Ink and gel medium on linen
    27.9 x 35.6 cm
    11 x 14 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Katherina of Prussia. Her parents were Sugarcane Army Loyalists who defected en masse to Prussia during the reign of Francis the III. A studious warrior. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid Katherina of Prussia. Her parents were Sugarcane Army Loyalists who defected en masse to Prussia during the reign of Francis the III. A studious warrior. 1799., 2023

    Ink and gel medium on linen
    27.9 x 35.6 cm
    11 x 14 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Philomena of the Cross River. Daughter of a king but travelled to Europe to work as a spy, seeking to influence policy for her people. Her allegiance is her own. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid Philomena of the Cross River. Daughter of a king but travelled to Europe to work as a spy, seeking to influence policy for her people. Her allegiance is her own. 1799., 2023

    Ink and gel medium on linen
    27.9 x 35.6 cm
    11 x 14 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Admiral Duppy, scourge of commercial shipping in the Caribbean. Excellent tactician at sea raids but also responsible for many massacres in the pursuit of his goals. Ferries weapons, food, and gold to various rebel factions but is allied with no one in particular.1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid Admiral Duppy, scourge of commercial shipping in the Caribbean. Excellent tactician at sea raids but also responsible for many massacres in the pursuit of his goals. Ferries weapons, food, and gold to various rebel factions but is allied with no one in particular.1799., 2023

    Ink and gel medium on linen
    27.9 x 35.6 cm
    11 x 14 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      The futility doesn’t lie in the resistance. The futility is the inaction. Brave Janeta Planeta (Miss Jackson if you’re nasty) and the Rhythm Nation attempt to take down CONTROL but are forced to retreat with dignity, and in style., 2023

    Umar Rashid The futility doesn’t lie in the resistance. The futility is the inaction. Brave Janeta Planeta (Miss Jackson if you’re nasty) and the Rhythm Nation attempt to take down CONTROL but are forced to retreat with dignity, and in style., 2023

    Ink, acrylic, and spray paint on canvas
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    48 x 48 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      Riding high, with my ride or dies. Charles and his conscripts celebrate victory over the Mamluks at the Battle of the Pyramids. 1799., 2023

    Umar Rashid Riding high, with my ride or dies. Charles and his conscripts celebrate victory over the Mamluks at the Battle of the Pyramids. 1799., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    213.4 x 182.9 cm
    84 x 72 in

  • Umar Rashid,                                      We lost Toulon to space invaders. And I’m not afraid to say the roar of guns and cannon almost made me cry. The Frenglish Republican Army destroyed Toulon before in could be captured by the navy of the Holy Roman League. A devastating loss but cause for celebration and mourning atop the hills above the coastal city., 2023

    Umar Rashid We lost Toulon to space invaders. And I’m not afraid to say the roar of guns and cannon almost made me cry. The Frenglish Republican Army destroyed Toulon before in could be captured by the navy of the Holy Roman League. A devastating loss but cause for celebration and mourning atop the hills above the coastal city., 2023

    Acrylic and ink on canvas
    152.4 x 152.4 cm
    60 x 60 in

More on Umar Rashid