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Almine Rech


Sep 20 — Dec 16, 2023 | INTERIOR and the collectors, Arles, France

Interior and the collectors is delighted to inaugurate a new space in Arles after 12 years based in Lyon. An exhibition project and a life project, we are moving into a historic house near the arena at 6 rue Portagnel, which was also the home of Joseph Imbert, town's former mayor and resistance hero.

This first exhibition in this venue is a kind of presentation of our identity through works by artists we have regularly exhibited and new ones. As often in our exhibitions, there is no particular topic, perhaps a preoccupation with the inhabited space as an exhibition space. Nevertheless, the further the project has progressed, the more some directions have been creeping up on us. There's a lot of talk about doubles and mirror games, in which female figures and hybrid creatures emerge. Because this house is double in its very structure, originally two old houses joined into one, probably from Joseph Imbert's time. Mirror play, parallel dimensions: this place leaves plenty of room for the imagination and the experimentation of multiplying and telescoping time-spaces.

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