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Almine Rech

Burning Gravity Sotheby’s Monaco opens exhibition of Korean artist Minjung Kim

Sep 21 — Oct 30, 2023 | Sotheby's Monaco

'I feel the weight of life is too heavy and it comes from gravity of body. I’m so much eager to achieve
my status of anima without gravity-body. All action of process to make art is burning my own body through Hanji paper.'

Minjung Kim

The artist’s first exhibition in Monaco, Burning Gravity at Sotheby’s Monaco, will present a curated selection of works from her Street, Mountain, Phasing, Sculpture and Order & Impulse series, spanning from 2017 to 2023. All of the works are on Korean hanji paper, exploring the different techniques and materials used in Kim’s work with her favoured medium. Hanji paper is an extension of the artist herself and harks back to memories of playing with scraps of paper in her father’s print shop as a child. It results in harmonious and tranquil compositions, layered over almost translucent paper to create an atmospheric impact.

Press release

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In conversation: Talk with Minjung Kim, Almine Rech and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso
More on Minjung Kim