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Almine Rech

Jenny Brosinski and Cristina de Miguel

Mar 9 — Apr 22, 2023 | New York, Upper East Side

Almine Rech New York is pleased to present a group show by Jenny Brosinski and Cristina de Miguel. The exhibition will be on view until April 22, 2023.

Cristina de Miguel and Jenny Brosinski both work intuitively, allowing their respective movements in the studio to define a painting. Working large-scale, they are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, de Miguel in New York and Brosinski in Berlin, and while they met once at an exhibition in Paris, are uncannily in sync. Each respective practice relies on contemplation and thoughtfulness, but the marks when made, happen fast and without room for error. The artists approach to painting is personal—a phantom limb of sorts and a way to engage with moments of abstraction and figuration.  

Press release

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