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Almine Rech

Matthias Bitzer Palimpsest

Feb 6 — Mar 28, 2010 | Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover
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Matthias Bitzer combines sculpture, wall drawing and installation to form an experience space of history. The works are positioned in the tension field between abstract and figurative imaging techniques that overlay each other and turn into a new form in space. Starting from portraits of persons at the periphery of history such as poet and artist Mina Loy (1882–1966) or author and Dada-co-founder Emmy Ball-Hennings (1885–1948), he translates the view on the past to a new layer of visual perception.

Abstract geometrical forms seem to dissolve the historical references and translate them into complex spacial concepts: wall drawings and architectural interventions are fragmented continuations of the paintings, sculptures and drawings in the exhibitions space. The isolated sets melt together in a magical and mystic imagery that nourishes the notion of painting as a form of materialized time perception.

- Courtesy Kunstverein Hannover