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Almine Rech

Pittura Oggetto curated by Natacha Carron

Jun 3 — Sep 27, 2014 | London, Savile Row

Agostino Bonalumi, Enrico Castellani, Dadamaino, Paolo Scheggi, Turi Simeti

The Italian art scene of the 1960s was both very active and well informed of foreign developments. Jasper Johns and Rauschenberg had exhibitions in Italy as early as 1958, and some of their artworks were reproduced in the first issue of Azimuth, the review launched by Castellani and Manzoni in 1959. Yves Klein, John Cage and Pierre Restany were present in Milan at the time, weighing in on the debate on Informalism, a defining issue of 1950s modernism…

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Selected artworks

  • Dadamaino,                                      Volume, 1959

    Dadamaino Volume, 1959

    Water-based paint on canvas
    50 x 40 cm

  • Dadamaino,                                      Volume, 1959

    Dadamaino Volume, 1959

    Water-based paint on canvas
    50 x 70 (unframed

  • Dadamaino,                                      Cromorilievo, 1979

    Dadamaino Cromorilievo, 1979

    90 x 90 cm

  • Turi Simeti,                                      3 ovali bianchi, 1978

    Turi Simeti 3 ovali bianchi, 1978

    Acrylic on canvas
    100 x 100 cm

  • Turi Simeti,                                      Trittico nero, 1976

    Turi Simeti Trittico nero, 1976

    Acrylic on canvas
    120 x 88 cm

  • Dadamaino,                                      L’inconscio razionale, 1975-1976

    Dadamaino L’inconscio razionale, 1975-1976

    Oil on canvas
    100 x 100 cm

  • Agostino Bonalumi,                                      Bianco , 1978

    Agostino Bonalumi Bianco , 1978

    Inverted vinyl canvas
    50 x 50 cm

  • Agostino Bonalumi,                                      Superficie Bianca, 1967

    Agostino Bonalumi Superficie Bianca, 1967

    Acrylic on structured canvas
    140 x 160 cm

  • Enrico Castellani,                                      Untitled, 2002

    Enrico Castellani Untitled, 2002

    Acrylic on canvas
    100 x 100 cm

  • Paolo Scheggi,                                      Intersuperficie curva dal rosso, 1966

    Paolo Scheggi Intersuperficie curva dal rosso, 1966

    Acrylic on overlapping canvas
    40,5 x 31,2 x 5 cm


  • Turi Simeti

  • Dadamaino

  • Enrico Castellani

  • Agostino Bonalumi

  • Paolo Scheggi