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A Blink of an Eye and the Years Are Behind Us

Sep 29, 2022 — Feb 13, 2023 | Kunsthalle Praha, Czech Republic

Kunsthalle Praha is pleased to present Gregor Hildebrandt: A Blink of an Eyeand the Years are Behind Us („Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns dieJahre“) – covering over 20 years of the artist’s practice. Curated by ChristelleHavranek, Chief Curator of Kunsthalle Praha, the exhibition will also inaugurate anew programme of solo exhibitions by major living artists.

As an artist who suggests but never reveals, Hildebrandt plays with secrecy and unpre-dictability, preferring to trust his audience’s capacity for imagination and ability to maketheir own references. In this sense, he regards viewers as the co-creators of his work,and invites them to join him in rediscovering the past in the largest retrospective dedicated to his work so far.

Press release

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