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Almine Rech

Tursic & Mille Tenderness

Sep 7 — 24, 2022 | Paris, Turenne (Front Space)

Opening on September 7th, from 11 am to 8 pm. Inquire about the exhibition: The gallery is open from 11 am until 7 pm.

Almine Rech is pleased to present Tursic & Mille's sixth solo show with the gallery, on view from September 7 to 24, 2022.

Situationist “game” theories (which underpinned Jorn’s “improved canvases”) are definitely at work in the actual painting process that Tursic & Mille have been developing for the past twenty years. Although both are keen to avoid debating how they paint “with four hands”, they do admit that their works often make a strange vertical journey from the workshop of one on the first floor to the workshop of the other on the second floor, in one direction then in the other (a “vertical ping pong”, as they call it) - and sometimes not at all. When this happens, one artist “improves” on the other’s painting, and so on, as they have no precise preconception of what the canvas will ultimately look like: their painting is “made by being made”, often dictating its own rules, forcing the artists to a form of pragmatism. Their elaborate “layering” process is much more sophisticated than the traditional approach based on considering the background, and then the elements placed on the background: each new stage augments, or sometimes obliterates the previous one, and forces them to reconsider the painting in its entirety. Here, the painting commands. Tenderness, on show at Almine Rech Paris (and which gave its title to the exhibition), is not a found and “augmented” painting, but rather an image of the whole process - more precisely a recording of the process, or at least its designation as a remarkable and singular event.

— Eric Troncy, Director of Consortium Museum, Dijon and Editor-in-Chief of Frog Magazine

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