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Almine Rech

Joseph Kosuth Tabula Rasa (14 Times)

Aug 12 — Sep 17, 2022 | Shanghai

For the safety of our visitors and staff, masks must be worn by all visitors upon entrance, and negative PCR test result within 72 hours is required while entering. Inquire about the exhibition: The gallery is open from 11 am until 7 pm.

Almine Rech Shanghai is pleased to present Tabula Rasa (14 Times), comprised of Joseph Kosuth’s neon works in eight colors titled ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)’ in both Chinese and English that pose the question Any Message?

In this recent series, Kosuth appropriates text from George Orwell’s 1948 dystopian novel 1984, a story which is a tragic illustration of what the world would be without the freedom to think and evaluate truth. Orwell’s unanswered question is mediated through Kosuth’s signature use of neon, toggling back and forth between languages and colors, demanding an answer of the viewer.

- Joseph Kosuth Studio

Press release

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