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Almine Rech

Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe, Vaughn Spann, Genesis Tramaine

Nov 29, 2021 — Oct 31, 2022 | Rubell Museum, Miami, US

To convey what it means to live in a body is to find a way to elucidate feelings, emotions, and those difficult-to-articulate interactions and incidents. Experience often evades the language available and of course, while individual, is indicative of culture and shared beliefs. At their best, these elucidations manifest in ways that are constitutive, adding texture and nuance to the larger whole while demanding attention to and establishing the importance of their particulars. Working in this mode are artists Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe, Genesis Tramaine, and Vaughn Spann. All three rigorously explore what it means to live in a Black body in America, plumbing their own lives and those of others to help define that experience. They work in distinct and complementary manners, each showing how such clarification is a complicated and urgent pursuit, especially in a nation fighting to establish a singular narrative. The three are now presented together as part of a group exhibition at Rubell Museum, where each has participated as an artist-in-residence.

- Grace Ebert 

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