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César & César & César ...

Jun 12 — Jul 31, 2021 | Paris, Turenne
For the safety of our visitors and staff, masks must be worn by all visitors upon entrance and hand sanitiser will be provided at the door and throughout the gallery. Inquire about the exhibition: The gallery is open from 11 am until 7 pm.

In honor of the centenary of the birth of César, Almine Rech Paris is pleased to present an exhibition celebrating all important periods and styles of the major French sculptor’s work, organized in collaboration with Fondation César.

What does César’s work say to us today?
A master of technique and form, the leading sculptor of the Nouveau réalisme movement of the 1960s developed a true dialectic of gesture and material that revitalized sculpture in the 20th century: the first assemblages of soldered iron, compressions of automobile scrap metal and all kinds of collected materials, polyurethane expansions, plaster and resin impressions and molds, sculpted bread dough, bronze sculptures, and more.

The performative and participatory dimension of César's public expansions and his participation in the action-spectacles of the Nouveaux réalistes, a possible prologue for relational aesthetics, have inevitably faded with time.

Press release

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