'A Gathering' brings together the newest works of art to enter UMMA’s collection — many on display here for the first time.
As a free, public museum, UMMA staff takes care of art for the benefit of the community and society at large. The works on view in this exhibition, all brought into the Museum between 2019 and the present, shows how institutions like UMMA are becoming more permeable to societal challenges, and more nimble in responding to them in service to all in their communities. In this exhibition you will find works that reflect on how global migrations, race, gender, and ecological change shape the way we engage with the world and inform our visions for the future.
This collection of artistic engagements with issues give us tools to envision who we want to be as individuals, as a museum, and as a society, connected to one another across space and experience.
So gather here to take in these latest works of art brought here for you. Gather here to be engulfed in their forms and meanings, to discuss their takes, to learn, to disagree. Gather to relax, make a friend, drink a coffee, finish the daily Wordle. Gather to feel full, to be moved and inspired by all the possible imaginations of what is yet to come.
Installation view of Marcus Jansen in 'A Gathering', on view at UMMA, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI, US
Permanent Collection at The University of Michigan Museum of Art - Photo: The University of Michigan Museum of Art