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Almine Rech

John Giorno Dial-A-Poem Brazil

Jan 18 — Mar 15, 2025 | Moraes-Barbosa Collection, São Paulo, Brazil

The Brazilian version of 'Dial-a-Poem' is based on John Giorno’s original work and its original process: poetry readings through the telephone (at a time when telephones were considered new media). Its dynamics concern a permanent sound performance that therefore has the characteristics of spoken word, whose effects act directly on the production of meaning in what is said or narrated.

The context, especially a technological one for the adaptation of Giorno’s work for current times, presents itself with crucial differences if we were to compare it to the context of the original work at the end of the 1960s. Nowadays we not only naturalize communication through our phones but we are also fully adapted to the condition of listeners, whether through social networks, telephone messages, podcasts and audiobooks. And all of these channels are fertile ground for circulating material of different natures, from the most informative (such as news and information channels) to the fictional ones, such as literature, a condition that concerns us for this project.

Press release

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