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Almine Rech

Easy Irony Irony in Italian art of the 20th and 21st centuries

From February 6 to September 7, 2025, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, part of the Settore Musei Civici Bologna, presents the major group exhibition 'L’ironia nell’arte italiana tra XX e XXI secolo', curated by Lorenzo Balbi and Caterina Molteni. 

Since ancient times, beginning with Socrates, irony has been associated with the "art of questioning": a unique tool that can give us a clearer and more disenchanted vision of reality, revealing its anomalies and contradictions. Through humorous games, parody and witty banter, irony also becomes an antidote, a funny alternative that can protect people from what ails them.  

A common thread running through decades of Italian artistic production, irony emerges as a recurring aesthetic and critical strategy capable of referring to a deep meaning without openly expressing it. This device, used for centuries to unmask false certainties and propose new representations, has found particularly fertile ground in the Italian context, and artists of different generations have used its destabilizing power to question established paradigms. The weight of the Italian artistic tradition, a reactionary society strongly influenced by the Church and the Fascist past, the success of the Commedia all'italiana and the more recent, popular "cinepanettoni" films, the rise of Berlusconism and with it an aggressive consumer society: these are just some of the «institutions» to be undermined and challenged. 

The title of the exhibition, ironic in itself, reminds us of the apparent simplicity of this phenomenon, while at the same time revealing its intrinsic complexity. A contradiction that becomes a play in itself, inviting the audience to question the nature of language and its commonplaces and, at the same time, the ways in which these influence our observation and how we read the world around us.  

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Installation view of Francesco Vezzoli in 'Facile ironia. L'ironia nell'arte italiana tra XX e XXI secolo', MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, Italy, 2025

Photo: Carlo Favero