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faire corps

'faire corps' evokes men and women in all their diversity, and highlights struggles such as feminism, promoting acceptance of human diversity and campaigning for ecology.

With 'faire corps', we invite you to explore the vision of the body of 66 established and emerging French and international artists, and to discover 86 works that offer multiple points of view and diverse expressions of the body.

Shaped as much by its structure and inner life as by the way we look at it, I wanted to show that the body is part of society in new and contemporary ways. Frozen or moving in space, in a natural or digital environment, it can be embodied or fantasised, and it can also have an identity that needs to be redefined.

With 'faire corps', welcome to an exhibition full of meaning, humour and emotion that will introduce you to human representation at its most contemporary, diverse and daring.

Press release

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