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Almine Rech

Jannis Kounellis

Nov 24, 2016 — Jan 28, 2017 | Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wilfredo Lam, Havana City

Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wilfredo Lam, La Habana presents a solo show by the artist Jannis Kounellis.

“I search among the emotional and formal fragments; the deviations of history are tragically in the search of a unit, regardless it might be unreachable, utopian, impossible and, basically for these reasons, dramatic.”

The exhibition is marked by the artist’s involvement into the artistic movements he joined during his career. The artist is well know the research on verbal and visual communication often welcoming numbers, symbols, letters and signs through in his practice, aiming to establish a dialogue between the urban landscape and the pictorial environment.

Born in 1936 in Piraeus, Greece, the artist soon moved to Rome and in 1960 joined the Art Povera movement.