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Almine Rech

Gerasimos Floratos Domes

Sep 6 — Oct 12, 2024 | Shanghai

Opening on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 5 to 7 pm

Almine Rech Shanghai is pleased to announce Domes, Gerasimos Floratos’ third solo exhibition with the gallery, on view from September 6 to October 31, 2024.

Welcome to pure hybridity, that exquisite oxymoron of honest contradiction at the heart of Gerasimos Floratos’s art. Here that which is essential, elemental, and primal collides in a chorus of the unexpected, singular truths belied by the lie of the multitude, authenticity earned like a scarred and battered street cred, the most direct mode of communication visual culture can afford turned like a wiener on a food cart by the hubbub of it all, heard above all the nonsense because it too is an anxious form of deep listening. His pictures are like the contemplation of an assault, the mark making of what leaves its mark but never signs its name, the self as reduced to an anonymous language of desperate gestures. In the city you can sleep through anything—screams, sirens and love songs, all the background noise of our deafening isolation; and in Floratos conjuring the silence deep within the din, thin as the oxygen in our thick-fumed air, these are the sounds that make it through, that wake us from our uncomfortable dreams, uncertain and fleeting, a thrill tinged with dread, the late night “Lullaby of Broadway”.

— Carlo McCormick, American cultural critic and curator

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