Born 1921 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Died 2006 in Zurich, Switzerland
1942 Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Amsterdam
Solo Exhibitions
Cobra Museum Voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, Netherlands
‘Figures et Paysages’, Almine Rech, Paris, France
‘Karel Appel : Late Nudes, 1985-1997’, Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Germany
‘Tête en carton. Collagen 1960 - 1967’, Jahn und Jahn, Munich
‘Out of Nature’, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles
‘Works on Paper 1945-2006’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘L’art est une fête !’, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris
‘Der abstrakte Blick’, Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen, Germany
‘A Gesture of Color. Paintings and Sculptures, 1947-2004’, The Phillips
Collection, Washington
‘Paintings from Six Decades, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Karel Appel Retrospectief / Karel Appel Retrospective’, Gemeentemuseum
Den Haag, The Hague
‘Reset’, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam
‘Works on paper’, Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris
‘Karel Appel’, Blum & Poe, New York
‘I do not paint, I hit!’, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark
‘Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Karel Appel & Van Gogh’, Vincent van Gogh Huis, Zundert, The Netherlands 2010 ‘Paintings from five Decades’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Peintures 2000–2001’, Galerie Lelong, Paris
‘The Sixties’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Jazz 1958–1962’, Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
‘Opere 1990–2002’, Galleria Arte 92, Milan
‘Works on paper 1949 – 2005’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Monumentale Aktzeichnungen’, Albertina, Vienna
‘Last Paintings’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Retrospective 1945–2005’, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava
‘Opere 1991–2002’, Galleria Arte 92, Milan
‘Recente Werken’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
‘The Cobra Years’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Paperworks of Karel Appel’, National Museum, Belgrade
‘New Works on Paper’, JG Contemporary, New York
‘Onderweg: Reis van Rudi Fuchs langs de Kunst der Lage Landen’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
‘Karel Appel: oeuvres sur papier 1999-2002’, Galerie Lelong, Paris
‘Karel Appel’, Kunstforum Wien, Vienna
‘Karel Appel: Japanese Landscapes’, Galerie Lelong, Paris
‘Karel Appel: werken op papier’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
‘Mutation in Motion’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
‘Karel Appel: Beelden 1936–2000’, Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, The Netherlands ‘Der Machtwille der Planeten’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna ‘Pastorale Chiaroscuro’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Karel Appel: “Sag zum Abschied leise Servus”’, Galerie Lelong, Paris ‘Karel Appel: Werk op papier’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
‘Karel Appel: Recente sculpturen & gedichten’, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium ‘Karel Appel: 2000’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
‘Karel Appel: Toys from the Attic’, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Norway ‘Karel Appel... Peintures, dessins et sculptures’, Scène National d’Orléans, France
‘Sculptures without a Hero’, The Sculpture Garden at 590 Madison Avenue, New York ‘Karel Appel: Psychopathological Art 1948–50’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Sculptures without a Hero’, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen, The Netherlands ‘Appel: Natural Phenomenon’, Galerie Lelong, Paris ‘Birth of a Landscape’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna ‘Thinking Spaces’, Kärntner Landesgalerie Klagenfurt, Austria ‘Karel Appel’, Atelier del Bosco di Villa Medici, Rome
‘Unintended Monuments’, Galerie Lelong, Zurich
‘Karel Appel’, Die Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck ‘Karel Appel: Gemälde, Gouachen, Zeichnungen 1950–1965’, BAWAG Fondation, Vienna ‘Appel: Figures et Paysages’, Galerie Lelong, Paris ‘Karel Appel: Variazioni sul tema’, Fondazione Ambrosetti Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy
‘Ich bin die Erde der alles entspringt’, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna ‘Karel Appel: Sculpture’, Anderson Gallery, Buffalo ‘Toskanischer Horizont’, Galerie Lelong, Zurich
‘Singing Donkeys: Nieuwe beelden van Karel Appel’, Paleis Lange Voorhout, The Hague
‘Karel Appel Retrospective’, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul ‘Karel Appel: Black & White Paintings’, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York
‘Karel Appel: Ik wou dat ik een vogel was. Grote formaten in de Beurs van Berlage’, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam ‘Karel Appel’, Fine arts gallery, Visual arts department, UMBC, Baltimore, Maryland ‘Karel Appel: Ik wou dat ik een vogel was’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
‘Karel Appel in Tokyo: 18 Works on Paper’, Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo ‘Appel’, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
‘Karel Appel: Portraits’, Galerie de France, Paris ‘Karel Appel: Portraits from the Titan Series’, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Beyeler, Basel
‘Karel Appel: Dipinti, sculture e collages’, Castello di Rivoli, Turin ‘Karel Appel: Recent Paintings and Sculpture’, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: Peinture-Sculpture-Dessin’, Galerie d’Art Contemporain des Musées de Nice & Galerie des Ponchettes, Nice
‘Karel Appel: Recent Paintings and Sculpture; Clouds, Windmill, Nudes and Other Mythologies’, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida
‘Karel Appel: Paintings 1980–1985’, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol ‘Karel Appel: Recent Paintings’, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York
‘Karel Appel’, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence ‘Karel Appel: New Yorker Bilder 1984–1985’, Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Cologne ‘Karel Appel: CoBrA Paintings 1948-1951’, James Goodman Gallery, New York ‘Appel 1950 – 1970’, The Contemporary Art Gallery, Tokyo
‘Karel Appel’, Listasafn, Reykjavik, Iceland ‘Karel Appel: Recent werk / oeuvres récentes / 1980–1983’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels ‘Karel Appel’, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: 14 Cobra-werken op papier’, Collection d’Art, Amsterdam ‘Karel Appel’, Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer, New York
‘Karel Appel: Oeuvres récentes’, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris ‘Karel Appel: Recent Paintings’, Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer, New York ‘Karel Appel: New Work’, Gimpel Fils, London
‘Het Nieuwe Werk van Karel Appel 1979 - 1981’, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam ‘Karel Appel: Werk op papier 1941 – 1981, tekeningen, aquarellen, gouaches’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague ‘25 Years on the Road: A Visual Tribute to Kerouac’, Boulder Center for the Visual Arts, Boulder, Colorado
‘Karel Appel’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Karel Appel: tentoonstelling t.g.v. zijn 60-ste verjaardag’, Galerie Nova Spectra, The Hague ‘Appel’, Museu de Arte do São Paulo ‘Karel Appel: Paintings from the 50’s and 60’s’, Gimpel Fils, London
‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris ‘Karel Appel Recent Work’, Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida
‘The Graphic Art of Karel Appel: Art Gallery of Hamilton Collection’, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Ontario
‘Dreissig Jahre Karel Appel’, Saarland Museum, Saarbrücken, Germany ‘Karel Appel: Peintures et Sculpture’, Fondation Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pène, France
‘Prints’, Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo ‘Karel Appel’, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City ‘Karel Appel: The Complete Graphic Collection’, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario
‘Karel Appel’, Collection d’art, Amsterdam ‘Karel Appel: Schilderijen, gouaches, acryls, keramische beelden 1950-1975’, Galerie Nova Spectra, The Hague
‘Karel Appel: Paintings of the 60’s’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
‘Karel Appel’, Aberbach Fine Art, New York ‘Appel’, Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer, New York ‘Appel’, Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo ‘Appel: Paintings’, Wildenstein, London
‘Karel Appel Retrospective’, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida ‘Karel Appel: Retrospective 1955–1973; Oils, Acrylics, Gouaches, Lithographs’,Gloria Luria Gallery, Miami ‘Karel Appel: Paintings from the 50’s and 60’s’, Gimpel Fils, London
‘Karel Appel: The Early Fifties - Paintings, Gouaches, Drawings, Ceramics 1950–56’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
‘Appel’s Appels’, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Montreal
‘Karel Appel, Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg, Denmark ‘Karel Appel’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
‘Appel’s Oogappels’, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
‘Appel: Peinture acrylic’, Gimpel & Hanover Galerie, Zurich
‘Karel Appel: Reliefs 1966–68’, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris
‘Karel Appel’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: Paintings, Gouaches, Graphics’, Redfern Gallery, London ‘Appel’, Galerie Ariel, Paris
‘Karel Appel: paintings and graphics’, Makler Gallery, Philadelphia
‘Appel’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
‘Appel Nudes’, Stephen Hahn Gallery, New York ‘Appel’, American Art Gallery, Copenhagen ‘Karel Appel’, Galleria Blu, Milan ‘Karel Appel from California Collections’, Pavilion Gallery, Balboa, California ‘Karel Appel: Object-Paintings’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
‘Karel Appel: Paintings, Sculpture, Graphics, Books’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: Selezione di dipinti dal 1950 al 1961’, La Medusa, Rome ‘Karel Appel: Dix Ans de Lithographie 1953 - 1963’, Galerie Anderson - Mayer, Paris ‘Appel’, Galerie Nova Spectra, The Hague ‘Appel Nudes’, Gimpel & Hanover Galerie, Zurich
‘Karel Appel: Collages 1949–1962’, Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich ‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne ‘Karel Appel: Paintings 1951–1956’, Stephen Hahn Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: Sculptures’, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris
‘Karel Appel. Gouaches and Lithographs’, David Anderson Gallery, New York ‘Appel’, Gallery Moos, Toronto ‘Karel Appel’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands ‘K. Appel’, Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan ‘Karel Appel’, Gimpel Fils, London ‘Karel Appel: West Coast Exhibiton’, San Francisco Art Museum
‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris ‘Karel Appel’, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy ‘Karel Appel: Paintings 1955–1960 and Recent Gouaches’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York ‘Lithographs by Appel’, David Anderson Gallery, New York
‘Dipingere coi tessuti’, Il Centro Internazionale della Arti e del Costume, Palazzo Grassi, Venice ‘Oil paintings from 1952–1959 by Karel Appel’, Gimpel Fils, London ‘Appel’, Gendai Gallery, Tokyo ‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich
‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne
‘Appel’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels ‘Appel: Gouaches et céramiques’, Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris
‘Paintings: Karel Appel’, Institute of Contemporary Art, London ‘Appel: New paintings’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York ‘Appel’, Galerie Stadler, Paris ‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Espace, Haarlem, The Netherlands ‘Appel’, Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome
‘Appel’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York ‘Karel Appel: Portraits’, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris ‘K. Appel: Dipinti e ceramiche’, Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan
‘Karel Appel’, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris
‘Appel’, Studio Paul Facchetti, Paris ‘Karel Appel: First American Exhibition’, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
‘Karel Appel’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
‘Karel Appel’, Kunstzaal van Lier, Amsterdam
‘Karel Appel’, Het Beerenhuis, Groningen, The Netherlands
Group exhibitions
Museum of Recent Art (MARe), Bucharest, Romania
'Le MAMCO, de mémoire', MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland
'Oli's Imaginary Museum', Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse
‘Léger and the New Realism’, Musée national Fernand Léger, Biot, France
'The Echo of Picasso', Almine Rech, New York, US
'The Echo of Picasso', Museo Picasso Malaga, Spain
'Viceversa: posiciones y perspectivas de una colección', MAMBO Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia
'Dialogues', Almine Rech, Paris, France
‘Color Vibrations’, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, USA
‘Summer’, Almine Rech Gallery, Paris, France
‘Disonata, Art in Sound up to 1980’, al Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Ding / Unding. The Artist’s Book Unbound, Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Wow! The Heidi Horten Collection, Leopold Museum, Vienna ‘Wohin das Auge reicht - Neue Einblicke in die Sammlung Würth’, Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbische Hall ‘Hugo Claus, Con amore’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
Tien topstukken on tour: Voor Nederland verworven dankzij de BankGiro Loterij, Mauritshuis Den Haag Elle était une fois - Acte II: la collection Sainte-Anne autour de 1950, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de l’Hôpital Sanite-Anne, Paris
UN ART AUTRE: L’aventure de Michel Tapié, Galerie F. Hessler, Luxembourg ‘Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atltic, 1945 - 1965’, Haus der Kunst, Munich
‘I Got Rhythm. Kunst und Jazz seit 1920’, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany ‘Miró & Cobra. Experimenteel spel, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands ‘The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up. Cobra & Its Legacy’, Blum & Poe, New York
‘International Exchanges: Modern Art and St Ives 1915 - 65’, Tate St Ives, United Kingdom ‘From the Guggenheim Collection to the Cobra Museum Amstelveen. International Abstraction 1949 – 1960’, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
‘From Beckmann to Warhol. Art of the 20th and 21st Century - Collection Bayer’, Martin Gropius Bau Berlin ‘Opening Exhbition’, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
‘Passadena to Santa Barbara: A Selected History of Art in Southern California, 1951 – 1969’, Santa Barbara Museum of Art
‘Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949 - 1960’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
‘Klee und Cobra. Ein Kinderspiel’, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern ‘Les Sujets de l’Abstraction, Peinture non-figurative de la Seconde École de Paris, 101 Chefs-d’oeuvre de la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art’ Musée Rath, Geneva ‘Postwar Abstract Painting in France and Art Informel’, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation, Tokyo ‘Parijs - Stad van de moderne kunst 1900 - 1960’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
‘Le grand geste! Informel und Abstrakter Expressionismus 1946-1964’, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
‘Musée National d’Art Moderne: La collection permanente (de 1905 à nos jours)’, Centre Pompidou, Paris ‘Paris Central. Vrije stad, vrije kunst in de jaren ’50’, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands ‘Meisterwerke der Moderne: Die Sammlung Batliner’, Albertina, Vienna ‘The Sweeney Decade: Acquisitions at the 1959 Inaugural’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
‘The Human Image in the Twentieth Century : From Picasso and Dali to Yokoo and Nara, Works from the Collection of the Tokushima Modern Art Museum’, Gunma Museum of Art, Gunma, Japan ‘De Miró à Warhol. La Collection Berardo à Paris’, Musée du Luxembourg, Paris ‘Action Painting’, Fondation Beyeler, Basel ‘Goya y el mundo moderno’, Museo de Zaragoza, Spain
‘Monet to Picasso - The Batliner Collection’, Albertina, Vienna ‘Collage/Collages from Cubism to New Dada’, GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin
‘The Guggenheim Collection’, Kunst-und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kunstmuseum Bonn ‘Pour revoir le monde: collection d’art moderne et contemporain des Abattoirs Toulouse’, Fine Arts School, Chongqing, China
‘Von Spitzweg bis Baselitz: Streifzüge durch die Sammlung Würth / From Spitzweg to Baselitz: Excursions to the Würth Collection’, Museum Würth, Künzelsau, Germany
‘Encounters wModernism. Highlights from the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam’, Shanghai Art Museum ‘Expressive Bildwelten: die Schenkungen Otto van de Loo’, Kunsthalle in Emden, Germany ‘Nordic Summer’, Galerie Beyeler, Basel
‘Expressiv!’, Fondation Beyeler, Basel ‘Papiers choisis’, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse ‘Up to now’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Gogh Modern: Vincent van Gogh en de hedendaagse kunst’, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam ‘Cobra in the Hermitage’, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ‘Paris 1945 bis 1965’, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria
‘Paris: Capital of the Arts, 1900 – 1968’, The Royal Academy of Arts, London
‘Sonsbeek 9: Locus / Focus’, Park Sonsbeek, Arnhem, The Netherlands
‘Le musée du XXe siècle de Michel Ragon 1950 - 2000’, Hôtel du Départment de la Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, France ‘About Collage’, Tate Gallery Liverpool
‘Zeitschnitt 1900 – 2000’, Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Austria ‘A Rebours. La Rebelión Informalista 1939-1968’, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas, Spain
‘Rendezvous. Masterpieces from the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Guggenheim Museums’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York ‘Ecole de Paris’, Staatsmuseum, Luxembourg ‘Künstler der Gruppen COBRA und SPUR: Sammlung Selinka’, Schloß Achberg, Ravensburg, Germany
‘Cobra works from the collection of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam’, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow ‘Torino-Parigi-New York-Osaka: Tapié-Un art autre’, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin ‘Cobra. Art expérimental 1948-1951’, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland ‘Art of the 20th Century, Flemish and Dutch Painting. From Van Gogh, Ensor, Magritte, Mondrian to contemporary artists’, Palazzo Grassi, Venice
‘Después de Goya. Una mirada subjetiva’, Palacio de la Lonja, Zaragoza, Spain ‘La dimension du corps 1920 – 1980’, Le Musée National d’Art Moderne, Tokyo ‘Face à l’Histoire, 1933- 1996. L’artiste moderne face à l’événement historique’, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris ‘Munch en na Munch: of de hardnekkigheid van schilders / Munch and after Munch: or the obstinacy of painters’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Prospettiva del passato. Da Van Gogh ai contemporanei nelle raccolte dello Stedelijk Museum di Amsterdam’, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy
‘Mit dem Auge des Kindes. Kinderzeichnung und moderne Kunst’, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich ‘Passions Privées’, Museé d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris ‘Views from Abroad. European Perspectives on American Art I’, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York ‘Couplet 5 - Dansende Meisjes’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Postwar Europe 1945-1965: Arts After the Deluge’, Centro Cultural de la Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona
‘Autour d’une collection de Monsieur et Madame G. Pompidou’, Maison des Arts Georges Pompidou, Cajarc, France ‘Couplet 1’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘New Displays 1994’, Tate Gallery, London ‘L’Art au Pays-Bas au XXe siècle’, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
‘Automatismos Paralelos. La Europa de los Movimientos Experimentales 1944-1956’, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain ‘Parallel Visions: Modern Artists and Outsider Art’, Los Angeles County Museum of Art ‘New Realities: Art in Western Europe 1945-1968’, Tate Gallery Liverpool
‘Figures of Contemporary Sculpture (1970-1990): Images of Man’, Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo
‘Towards a New Museum: Highlights from the Collection’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
‘CoBrA. Eine europaische Bewegung’, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich ‘L’Europe des grandes maîtres: Quand ils etaient jeunes, 1870-1970’, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
‘Les Années 50’, Musée national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris ‘Fondation Vincent Van Gogh – Arles. Naissance d’une collection 1985 – 1988’, Fondation Vincent Van Gogh, Arles, France
‘Beelden en Banieren’, Fort Asperen, Acquoi, The Netherlands ‘L’Art en Europe. Les années décisives 1945-1953’, Musée d’Art Moderne, Saint Etienne, France
‘Paris en quatre temps’, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris ‘Bilder fra Inger og Andreas L. Riis’ samling’, Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, Norway ‘En compagnie de Michel Butor’, Le Musée de Valence, France
‘7th Cleveland International Drawing Biennale. Invited Artist: Karel Appel’, Cleveland County Museum, United Kingdom ‘Action et emotion. Peintures des années 50. Informel, Gutaï, Cobra’, Musée national d’arte, Osaka ‘100 Years of Dutch Painting. Highlights from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam’, Niigata City Art Museum, Tokyo
‘Artistic Collaboration in the Twentieth Century’, Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C. ‘La Grande Parade. Hoogtepunten van de schilderkunst na 1940 / Highlights in Painting after 1940’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Creation. Modern Art and Nature’, The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, ‘El movimiento Cobra en la colección Karel van Stuyvenberg’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas
‘Expressive Malerei nach Picasso’, Galerie Beyeler, Basel
‘Saône’, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes ‘Appel et Alechinsky. Encres à deux pinceaux, peintures, etc.’, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France ‘CoBrA, 1948-1951’, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
‘Avantgarden - Retrospectiv. Kunst nach 1945’, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany ‘Paris 1937 - Paris 1957: Créations en France’, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris
‘Belgique - Pays-Bas. Points de rapprochement et parallèles dans l’art après 1945’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
1974 ‘Since 1945: vol. I, The World of Abstract Expression [works by 17 European and American Artists]’, Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo ‘CoBrA and Contrasts, The Winston-Malbin Collection’, The Detroit Institute of Arts
‘The Private Collection of Martha Jackson’, University of Maryland Art Gallery, College Park ‘Primal Images: Appel, Calder, Dubuffet, Miró’, De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts ‘Selected works from the Asger Jorn collection’, Silkeborg Kunstmuseum, Denmark
Martha Jackson Gallery Collection, The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo ‘Stedelijk ’60-’70’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels ‘Opere di Maestri Contemporanei Europei’, Palazzo Internazionale delle Aste ed Esposizioni, Florence ‘The 31st Annual Works on Paper’, Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
‘Trends in Twentieth Century Art’. A Loan from the San Francisco Museum of Art
‘Contemporary Portraits’, Museum of Modern Art, New York ‘Appel – Lucebert –Tajiri’, Kunsthalle Basel ‘Art présent’, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
‘Painting in France 1900 – 1967’, National Gallery of Art, Washington ‘L’art vivant 1965 – 1968’, Fondation Maeght, Saint Paul de Vence, France ‘Peintres Européens d’aujourd’hui’, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris 1967 ‘Campo vitale’, Il Centro Internazionale della Arti e del Costume, Palazzo Grassi, Venice ‘ROSC ’67. The Poetry of Vision. An International Exhibition of modern Painting and ancient Celtic Art’, Royal Dublin Society
1966 ‘Kontraste. Vier Möglichkeiten des Künstlerischen. Josef Albers, Karel Appel, Max Ernst, Robert Rauschenberg’, Overbeck - Gesellschaft Lübeck, Germany ‘Four European Artists and the Figure’, The Art Institute of Chicago
‘Imagadventure’, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis ‘Colorists 1950 – 1965’, San Francisco Museum of Art ‘Moderne Nederlandsk Maleri’, Stavanger Kunstforening, Norway ‘Un groupe 1965’, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris ‘40 Key Artists of the Mid-20th Century’, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan
‘documenta III’, Kassel, Germany ‘Painting and Sculpture of a Decade 54 - 64’, Tate Gallery, London ‘Van Gogh and Expressionism’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York ‘Karel Appel, Jaap Mooy, Lucebert’, Dutch Pavillion, XXXII Biennale Internazionale d’Arte, Venice ‘Neue Realisten & Pop Art’, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
‘Visione Colore’, Il Centro Internazionale della Arti e del Costume, Palazzo Grassi, Venice ‘Ve Salon. Grands et jeunes d’aujourdhui’, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris ‘The Dunn International, an exhibition of contemporary painting’, The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, Canada ‘Schrift en beeld’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘20th century Master Drawings’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 1962 ‘Nederlands bijdrage tot de internationale ontwikkeling sedert 1945’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Pioniers. 50 Meesterwerken / Masterpieces, from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam’, Curaçao’s Museum, Willemstad ‘Art since 1950. American and International’, Seattle World’s Fair
‘Famous Likeness’, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston ‘Trends in Dutch Painting since Van Gogh’, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne ‘Jonge Kunst uit de collectie Dotremont - Brussel’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands ‘International Exhibition’, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York ‘XVIIe Salon de Mai’, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris ‘Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam besöker Moderna Museet Stockholm’, Moderna Museet, Stockholm ‘Antagonismes’, Musée des Arts Decoratifs - Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan, Paris ‘A selection from the Margulies Collection. New paintings from Paris’, The Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, United Kingdom ‘Polariteit. Het appolinische en het dionysische in de kunst’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Keerpunten in de Nederlandse Schilderkunst 1920 - 1960’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands ‘Neue Malerei. Form Struktur Bedeutung’, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
‘Actualités. Contemporary Watercolours and Gouaches by Appel, Bluhm, Davie, Dubuffet, Francis, Jorn, Mathieu, Michaux, Riopelle, Stubbing, Wemaere, Wols, Wolvecamp’, Arthur Tooth and Sons Ltd, London ‘Twenty Contemporary Painters from the Phillipe Dotremont Collection, Brussels’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York ‘Premio dell’Ariete. 20 Quadri 1959, Selezione biennale di pittura internazional’, Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan II. documenta, Kassel, Germany
V Bienal de São Paolo, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo ‘Appel, Mathieu, Moreni, Riopelle’, Kunsthalle Basel ‘School of Paris 1959: The Internationals’, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis IIIe exposition internationale de gravure, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana ‘Vitalità nell’Arte’, Il Centro Internazionale della Arti e del Costume, Palazzo Grassi, Venice ‘Inaugural Selection’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York ‘Paintings from the Stedelijk Museum’, Milwakee Art Center, Wisconsin ‘Arte Nuova. Mostra internazionale di pittura e scultura’, Palazzo Graneri, Turin ‘L’École de Paris dans les collections belges’, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris ‘New Images of Man’, Museum of Modern Art, New York
‘The international art of a new era (informel and gutai)’, Osaka International Festival, Japan Exposition universelle et internationale de Bruxelles 1958. 50 Ans d’Art Moderne, Palais International des Beaux-Arts, Brussels ‘L’Art Hollandais depuis Van Gogh’, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris ‘Trends in Contemporary Dutch Art’, The Arts Council, London
‘An exhibition of paintings from The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York’, Tate Gallery, London ‘Younger Europeans’, J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky ‘Recent French Acquisitions’, Kootz Gallery, New York
‘X Premio Lissone internazionale per la pittura’, Lissone, Italy Biennale 57. Jeune peinture, jeune sculpture, Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Palais du Louvre, Pavillon de Marsan, Paris
‘New Trends in Painting’, The Arts Council of Great Britain, London ‘Modern Dutch Art 1945-1955’, The Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio
‘The New Decade. 22 European Painters and Sculptors, Los Angeles County Museum ‘The New Decade. 22 European Painters and Sculptors’, Museum of Modern Art, New York ‘Expressionism 1900-1955’, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston ‘The New Decade. 22 European Painters and Sculptors’, Minneapolis Institute of Arts ‘Expressionism 1900-1955’, San Francisco Museum of Art
‘Caratteri della pittura d’oggi’, Galleria di Spazio, Rome ‘Il segno e la parola’, Libreria Schwarz, Milan ‘Individualités d’aujourd’hui’, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris ‘Olanda’, The Dutch Pavillion of the XXVII Biennale di Venezia ‘Ceramiche. Incontro Internazionale di Albisola, Decima Triennale di Milano’, Milan
‘Younger European Painters’, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York II Bienal, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo
‘Peintures Non-Abstraites’, Studio Paul Facchetti, Paris ‘The 1952 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting’, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh ‘Un Art Autre’, Studio Paul Facchetti, Paris
IIe Exposition Internationale d’ Art Experimental, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Liège, Belgium ‘CoBrA’, Librairie 73, Paris ‘Exposition de 5 peintres de CoBrA. Appel, Balle Corneille, E. Jacobsen, Jorn’, Galerie Pierre, Paris
‘De Experimentele Groep in Holland’, Kunstzaal Van Lier, Amsterdam Ve Salon de Mai, Palais de New-York, Paris ‘CoBrA’, Séminaire des Arts, Brussels ‘Exposition Internationale d’Art Expérimental’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Appel, Constant, Corneille’, Galerie Colette Allendy, Paris ‘Ons huis, ons thuis. Nieuwe meubelen’, De Bijenkorf, Amsterdam
‘Karel Appel, Corneille, Constant Nieuwenhuijs’, Kunsthandel Santee Landweer N.V., Amsterdam ‘Werken van Appel, Corneille, Constant’, Kunstzaal Van Lier, Amsterdam ‘Amsterdamse schilders van nu’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‘Høstudstillingen 1948’, Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen
‘Karel Appel en Corneille’, ‘t Gildehuys, Amsterdam
‘Jonge Schilders’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Public Collections
Albertina, Vienna, Austria
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, USA
Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, USA
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Canada
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
CGAC - Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venice, Italy
Danubiana – Muelensteen Art Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia
Didrichsen Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Fondation Van Gogh, Arles, France
FRAC – Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur, Marseille, France
GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, Italy
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
Henie-Onstad Art Center, Høvikodden, Norway
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., USA
Hofstra Museum at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, USA
IVAM, Centre Julio González, Valencia, Spain
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands
Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark
Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Kunsthalle in Emden, Stiftung Henri und Eske Nannen und Schenkung Otto van de Loo, Emden, Germany
Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
LAAC – Lieu d’Art et Ection Contemporaine de Dunkerque, Dunkerque, France
Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria
Les Abattoires - Centre d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Toulouse, France
Louisiana Museum, Humblebaek, Denmark
Mamac - Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Liege, Belgium
MASP - Museo de Arte de São Paolo Assis Chateaubriand, São Paolo, Brazil
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Saint Louis, USA
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal / The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montréal, Canada
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Musée National d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporian, Nice, France
Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Musee Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Museo de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paolo, São Paolo, Brazil
Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico
Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna, Austria
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA
Museum Würth , ünzelsau, Germany
National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
National Museum of Art, Oslo, Norway
National Museum of Art , Osaka, Japan
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona, USA
Pinakothek der Moderne – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, München, Germany
R. & H. Batliner Art Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Rose Art Museum, Waltham, USA
S.M.A.K., Gent, Belgium
Sammlung Essl, Klosterburg, Austria
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, USA
Scottish National Galerie of Modern Art, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
Stanford University Museum of Art, Stanford, USA
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Schiedam, The Netherlands
Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israël
The Berardo Collection Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, USA
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
The Phillips Collection, Washington D.C., USA
Ulster Museum, Belfast, United Kingdom
University at Buffalo Art Galleries, Buffalo, USA
University of California, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, USA
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany